
Disabled students

We welcome applications from disabled students, and will work with you to make sure that appropriate accommodation is available.

Students with any access requirements or questions are encouraged to email student-rooms@jesus.cam.ac.uk to discuss them with us. It is possible to arrange for ensuite accommodation, a ground floor room, or other adjustments with advance notice.

°µÍø½ûÇø has a detailed  with clear advice and information on accessibility across the whole site.

You can read more general information about °µÍø½ûÇø's undergraduate rents and what's included for all rooms, or email student-rooms@jesus.cam.ac.uk with any questions.

On the College website or the YouTube app, you can click and drag the video for a 360 view of the room.

Hear from our students

  • Photo of Education student



    Studying Education has enabled me to study a broad range of interests within the parameters of my degree. From black feminist theory, to discussing what exactly it means to be 'educated', I have been fortunate enough to explore these areas in depth. The Education Tripos enables students to combine varying interests and passions into a single, well structured, and hugely enjoyable University degree.

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  • Photo of Philosophy student



    The most exciting element of the Philosophy course for me is the wide variety of topics it covers, bringing together aspects from a whole range of diverse subjects. In one week I could be working through a set of logic questions, writing an essay about Mill's thoughts on feminism, and attending lectures on personal identity and utilitarianism! This diversity in the course makes it an incredibly engaging and continuously fascinating subject to study. As well as giving me the chance to develop an array of practical, transferable skills, such as...

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  • Photo of Mathematics student



    Studying Maths at Cambridge is demanding, but very interesting. The first year of the course builds a solid foundation of knowledge, and then the many optional modules available in later years allow you to specialise in the topics you really enjoy. One of the main benefits of our shorter, fast paced terms is the amount of progress you make in such a short time. Jesus is one of the friendliest Colleges. It has a medium sized cohort, which means you get to interact with a huge variety of people while...

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  • Photo of an Education student



    The best element of this course is its multidisciplinary approach to the study of education, and the incorporation of other subject areas. The incredible diversity of a week’s lectures has challenged me to think holistically and to write with versatility. As someone with very wide interests, I have thoroughly enjoyed the breadth of subjects spanned on the course, and it has allowed me to find areas of particular interest in which to specialise in my final year. The drama papers are excitingly full of potential to work with your course...

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  • Photo of HSPS student


    Human, Social, and Political Sciences

    For the last two years, the politics and international relations track has given me the opportunity to study the politics of the modern world and a cross section of the centuries of philosophy that underpin it. This year, from a selection of every major region, I chose to focus on the Middle East, and the course has given a real insight into topics that seem to be more often discussed than understood, like the Arab Spring and the Syrian Civil War. From supervisors through to my Director of Studies, I...

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    Human, Social, and Political Sciences