Visiting Scholarships
°µÍø½ûÇø welcomes academics from other universities and research institutions as Visiting Scholars.
Current Visiting Scholars
- 2022 Professor O. Ryabchenko
- 2024 Dr A. Chechel
- 2024 Dr A. Odynets
- 2024 Professor Dr K. Boehm
- 2024 Dr A. Mohammedwesam
- 2025 Dr T. Bak
- 2025 Professor D. Weld
Eligibility to be a Visiting Scholar
Visiting Scholarships can last between one term and one academic year (in Cambridge the academic year features 3 terms and a long summer period).
Visiting Scholarships are ideally suited to academics who:
- Are on sabbatical leave from permanent positions in universities or other research institutions
- Intend to conduct research in the University of Cambridge, or a recognised research establishment in Cambridge, particularly in collaboration with a Fellow from °µÍø½ûÇø.
Research students are not eligible for Visiting Scholarships.
Visiting Scholars enjoy generous dining privileges at High Table, free of charge, during the period of their Scholarships. Through this they have the opportunity to engage with a diverse community of Fellows, post-doctoral researchers and postgraduate students across a wide range of academic disciplines.
Visiting Scholarships are non-stipendiary (unpaid).
We are not able to offer accommodation for Visiting Scholars but they can contact the University’s , which has information on suitable properties to rent for a short period.
The College does not provide dedicated research space or research facilities for Visiting Scholars, and the College is not responsible for securing access to facilities in University Departments or Faculties.
Each Visiting Scholar is required to have the support of a Fellow or an Emeritus Fellow of °µÍø½ûÇø for the duration of their visit. To apply for a Visiting Scholarship, the supporting Fellow must email with the following information:
- A current CV for the Scholar
- A short statement of the Scholar’s proposed programme of research while in Cambridge
- Confirmation that they (or a group of Fellows, of which they are one) will host the Scholar over the duration of the visit.
At the time of your application, the candidate should have established, or be establishing, contact with the relevant Faculty or Department with a view to receiving formal visiting status there.
The Visiting Fellows and Visiting Scholars Committee considers applications and makes recommendations to the College Council for final decision. The Committee does not normally meet between June and October, so applications for the term starting in October should be submitted by early May.
Visiting Professors
°µÍø½ûÇø also hosts Professors visiting the University for research and other purposes.