
Image of Portrait of Lisa Jardine by Claerwen James
Portrait of Lisa Jardine by Claerwen James


Education of women at University level had begun in Cambridge by the end of the 19th century, although they were not allowed to take degrees until 1948.

They were also limited to all female institutions, including Girton and Newnham Colleges. By the 1970s, however, attitudes were changing and a report to Council by the then Senior Tutor, Bruce Sparks, highlighted how applications from men had been decreasing and that there was growing popularity for mixed colleges. Furthermore the then JCR also asked Council to change the statutes in order to permit the admission of women. However, some raised concerns, including the costs of supplying special provisions to women, whether they should be allowed to study certain subjects and whether new female students should have their own especially assigned tutor. In 1976 the College statutes were changed to permit the admission of women, and the first female undergraduates arrived in October 1979. On their admission, however, the immediate benefits were apparent through their instant contribution to College life.


The first reference to the topic came in June 1964, when a Fellow proposed that "the Council... investigate and report on how the College could be made a mixed Society of men and women." Although it was decided that "the climate was not yet right", soon afterwards  prohibiting mixed Colleges. 

Many of the fellowship and the Master at the time, Sir Alan Cottrell, were firmly in favour of the admission of women. Indeed, in January 1974, the then senior tutor Bruce Sparks warned that applications for undergraduate places were at a low ebb, at less than two applications per place, and that by admitting women the College would "likely... have a larger share in better quality applicants". 

The key decision

On 13 June 1974 at a meeting of the Society (that is, a meeting of all the Fellows) it was said that, in principle, the College should have the power to admit women as members. In turn, the Admissions Tutor prepared a statement of the conditions which should govern the admission of women to the College. 

Of the College statutes, point 1.6, No woman shall be elected or admitted as Pensioner, Scholar, Officer, Fellow, or Master of the College, was the real obstacle concerning admission of women. It was simply repealed by order of the Society on 22 November 1974. 

This was followed on 30 May 1975, when "The Society... resolved by the votes of the Master and thirty-six Fellows (three Fellows voting against and two Fellows abstaining) to make new Statutes for the College... and to submit the new Statutes for the approval of Her Majesty in Council." This approval was obtained on 4 March 1976. 

The first admission of women Fellows and postgraduates

On 10 May 1976, at a meeting of College Council, the first woman Fellow was chosen: Dr Lisa Anne Jardine. For a year Dr Jardine was the only female Fellow of the College, but in 1977 the first female Research Fellow, Vivien Law, was elected, and Susanne Kappeler and Kathleen Wheeler joined her the following year.

The first women postgraduates also arrived in 1978, two PhD students and three taking the PGCE. In 1979 two further postgraduate students and one other PGCE joined the College and from then on the number of female postgraduates gradually increased.

Admission of women undergraduates

There were different considerations around admitting women undergraduates, however. University wide discussion concerning the admission of women, mainly being achieved through the Colleges' Consultative Committee, had to be taken into account whilst practical changes within the College itself also had to be planned for.

Following these preparations, the first cohort of 31 women undergraduates were admitted in 1979, and the first female President of the Junior Common Room held office from 1981 to 1982. 

Student opinion

Support from undergraduates was strongly in favour of a mixed College. In June 1974, the Junior Common Room (JCR) reported to Council that "Support for co-residence within the undergraduate body is known to be very great" and that "undergraduates look forward to improvement in the social atmosphere of the College as a result of its introduction". However their main point was that "education should be open to all... regardless of sex." 


Tutorial and domestic questions were considered by a committee of Fellows which reported in early 1977. They estimated that between 25 and 50 women undergraduates would join the College in the first year, and noted that "any arrangements should be able to cope with up to 100 women in College at any one time".

On the tutorial side little change was to be made although it was recognised that on occasion specific problems of female undergraduates might need to be handled by senior members of the College who were either "a woman, or... a married family man". 

As regards accommodation, it was felt that there should be a certain degree of segregation based on the practicalities of providing "separate bathrooms, showers and loos" but that "women should be given the choice of being on segregated... or mixed staircases, but with total privacy and reserved lavatorial facilities." This was achieved through minor alterations to the more modern accommodation but, due to expense and difficulties in updating plumbing, the oldest buildings were reserved for men. 

However, in the two College hostels and nearby licensed lodging houses in Jesus Lane and Malcolm Street these plans hit an unforeseen obstacle: "Opposition to women students by lodging-house-keepers." In the longer term, for a mixture of reasons, the lodging house system was abolished and the College took on the management of the houses.

Hear from our students

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    做厙輦⑹ has all the benefits of being large, historical and prestigious college, whilst also retaining fantastic welfare: the staff and other students all care about each other, and will be there to cheer you on when you are thriving, but also there to support you if you need any help. I chose Jesus due to several reasons, including its prime location, where it is very central, and easy to access everywhere, even if you work in one of the institutes further out. I also selected Jesus for its MCR...

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  • 做厙輦⑹ Postgraduate Student



    I chose Cambridge for my PGCE as its the leading UK institution for teacher training and Education, with an exciting, research-dominated, cutting edge course. The staff are welcoming and approachable, and make studying here an absolute joy. Ive already completed one of my three primary school placements, in a reception class in a school just outside Cambridge, and am due to start the next one soon. I chose Jesus because of its reputation as a sporty College, but the proximity to the city centre is a big bonus. Jesus also...

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    It is a well-accepted opinion in Cambridge that 做厙輦⑹ is the best college and no other college even comes a distant second. Its sports grounds are enormous, its buildings are mesmerising, its libraries are rich, its chapel is the oldest, its accommodation is the best value for money, its international community is diverse, its religious circles are the most welcoming, and its members are the smartest, kindest and the friendliest. It is one of the central colleges that aims to offer three years accommodation to postgraduates, and has comparatively...

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    When applying to Cambridge colleges it can feel a bit overwhelming as there are so many to choose from. I applied to 做厙輦⑹ because it has a large MCR which was important for me because I wanted to feel part of a community. Now that Im doing my PhD here, Im very glad I did choose a college with a large postgraduate community. Throughout the year there are lots of postgraduate events, including formal dinners, special formals at Christmas and Easter, bops in the bar and film nights in...

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    做厙輦⑹, my home. I am truly grateful to be able to call 做厙輦⑹ my second home. It was my preferred option when I first applied for my MPhil and I could not be happier to still be here during my PhD! There are many reasons why Jesus stands out from the other colleges: from its fantastic facilities to its glorious formal dinners and to its wonderful caf矇 and brewery room. The Quincentenary Library is a lovely place to study. It has many spaces to choose from and everything...

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